Other MSUD Research


Would you like to know about past and current research related to MSUD? The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides access to this information through 2 websites.


Find Ongoing Clinical Trials

 www.clinicaltrials.gov is a registry of clinical trials. Simply go to the site and enter MSUD under “Condition or disease.” Check “All studies” under status. You will be taken to a list of all registered studies, including those in recruitment and those completed. You can find detailed information about each study.

View Scientific Paper


Search Journals For Published Studies:

PubMed  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/  provides access to the US National Library of Medicine, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. You can search medical journals for articles and create alerts notifying you of newly published journal articles. To create an alert, go to the above website and look for the MyNCBI link on the top right of the homepage. Register for a new account. Perform a search for Maple Syrup Urine Disease or MSUD. Click “Create Alert” link below the search box. Newly published articles will now come directly to your email inbox.

View Scientific Paper

Here Are Links to Some Other MSUD Research


For questions related to MSUD research, contact MSUD Family Support Group Research Lead Karen Dolins at karen.dolins@gmail.com or 914 391 2982.