Dr. Andrea Gropman
Division Chief, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Neurogenetics Children’s National Hospital
  • Division Chief, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Neurogenetics Children’s National Hospital
  • Science Advisory Board

Dr. Gropman is board certified in neurology/child neurology, clinical and biochemical genetics, and developmental disabilities. In August of 2006, she joined the neurology department of Children’s National Medical Center and the George Washington University School of Medicine where she was promoted to professor with tenure. She is the principle investigator of the Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium. Her research interest focuses on establishing biomarkers of neurological injury in patients with inborn errors of metabolism using specialized neuroimaging modalities. She hopes to use these biomarkers to better characterize and understand the underpinnings of neurological injury in these conditions and also to follow neurotherapeutics. Outside of medicine, she is actively involved in writing several screen plays.